The Purpose
The conference will explore the settings, approaches, methods and experiences that will guide our country to foster greater social cohesion and inclusion into the future. Here those who are deeply thinking about the progress of our country are encouraged to come together to deliberate, share ideas and reflect on action
Presenters who are at the forefront of thinking and experience will share insights from which all can benefit to shape further action and refine current endeavours. Ample time has been allocated to enable interaction between the audience and presenters during Q&A.
All those attending the conference will be encouraged to actively participate and offer their contributions during intimate roundtable discussions as part of the program.
"The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens."
"Ye are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch, the flowers of one garden."
Baha'i Writings

The Presenters
Hugh Mackay AO - Social Researcher and Author
Anthea Hancocks - CEO, Scanlon Foundation
Speakers and Panelists Include
Dr. Brian Adams - Director, Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, Griffith University
Prof Asmi Wood - Interim Director, National Centre for Indigenous Studies, ANU
Prof Monica Attard - Professor & Head of Journalism, UTS
Noel Debien - ABC Radio National, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Ruha Fifita - Auxiliary Board Member, Baha'i Community Queensland
Dr. Ansuya Naguran - Community Development Evaluation Officer, STARTTS
Dr. Usha Rodrigues - Senior Lecturer in Communication, Deakin University
May Sabet - Co-founder & Director, Twende Theatre
Klaus Veil - Vice President, Neighbourhood Connect
Will Wrathall - 'Big Ideas Forum', Northern Beaches Council
Social Cohesion Art Exhibition
Angie Hiscock
The Program
8:00 am Registration Desk Opens and Welcome Refreshments
9:00 am Conference Opening & Welcome to Country
9:25 am Building A Culture of Compassion - Hugh Mackay AO
10:20 am Break
10:45 am Vision for Social Cohesion in Australia - Anthea Hancocks
11:25 am Enriching the Conversation-Indigenous Values & Ethics - Prof Asmi Wood
12:10 pm The Role of Media in Strengthening Social Cohesion, Panel - Prof Monica Attard, Noel Debien & Dr. Usha Rodrigues
1:00 pm Break
1:45 pm Creating An Inclusive Narrative - Roundtable Dialogues
3:15 pm Break
3:40 pm Insights from Grassroots Initiatives, Panel - Ruha Fifita, Klaus Veil, Dr. Ansuya Naguran, Will Wrathall & May Sabet
4:20 pm The Role of Dialogue Spaces & Conference Summation - Dr. Brian Adams
5:00 pm Conference Closes
Conference Media
Social Cohesion & Inclusion Conference 2019

Dr. Brian Adams - Role of Dialogue & Conference Summation | Social Cohesion & Inclusion Conference

Panel - Insights from Grassroots Initiatives